「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer

尋找最好的一面,即使生活看起來有點糟糕--Brad Pitt


Before you read

William Brad Pitt




為了追尋電影夢,Brad Pitt大學尚未畢業就離家出走到洛杉磯找尋機會,甚至當過私人司機賺取生活費。24歲開始拍攝電視劇並磨練演技,直到被知名導演雷利・史考特相中,演出人生第一部電影《末路狂花》中的騙子,深受大眾歡迎。32歲憑著紮實演技,以《未來總動員》首獲奧斯卡提名,從此奠定在好萊塢的地位。


Brad Pitt沒有因為自身帥氣外型而局限於某類角色,反而大膽挑戰多樣風格,進而獲封兩次「全球最性感男人」。近年逐漸從幕前的演員轉為幕後製作人,所設立的Plan B Entertainment Inc.以《神鬼無間》、《自由之心》、《月光下的藍色男孩》奪下三次奧斯卡最佳影片獎。除了藝術天分外,Brad Pitt還參加過高爾夫、游泳、網球校隊,更有駕駛小型飛機的執照。

得獎感言節錄:92nd Academy Awards

Brad Pitt以《從前,有個好萊塢》這部電影席捲整個頒獎季,並成功奪下人生首座奧斯卡最佳男配角獎。

Thank you to the Academy for this honor of honors. They told me I only have 45 seconds up here. which is 45 seconds more than the Senate gave John Bolton this week. This is really about Quentin Jerome Tarantino. You are original;you are one of a kind. The film industry would be a much drier place without you, and I love the ethos you gave Cliff Booth “look for the best in people expect the worst but look for the best.“ I also want to say, while we’re doing this, I think it’s time we give a huge love to our stunt coordinators and our stunt crews. 

感謝學院給我這個至高無上的榮譽。他們告訴我,我只有45秒的致詞時間,比參議院給予約翰·博爾頓還多45秒*。這個獎項是屬於Quentin Tarantino的,您是如此充滿獨創性與獨一無二存在的導演,如果沒有你,電影圈一定會是更無聊的地方,謝謝您給予Cliff Booth的價值觀:「找尋他人最好的一面,儘管你認為對方的為人其實不怎麼樣。」另外,我認為是時候給我們的特技演員、工作團隊最大的愛和感謝了。

Listen, I’m a bit gobsmacked. I am not the one to look back, but this has made me do so. And I think of my folks taking me to the drive-in to see Butch and Sundance, and loading up my car and moving out here. Gina and Riley giving me my first shot, to all the wonderful people I’ve met along the way to stand here now. “ Once upon a time in Hollywood “ ain’t it the truth? This is for my kids who color everything I do. I adore you. Thank you!

我非常的受寵若驚,我不是一個會回首往事的人,但這個獎項讓我忍不住這麼做。我想起我的家人帶我去露天電影院看「虎豹小霸王」(Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid),讓我開啟這趟旅程。Gina和Riley給了我第一個演出機會,也謝謝給一路上我遇到所有很棒的人。我現在能站在這裡,就是因為「從前有個好萊塢」,這難道不是事實嗎?這個獎項也獻給我的孩子,是他們讓我的生活多采多姿,我愛你們。謝謝!


得獎感言節錄:73rd British Academy Film Awards

Brad Pitt成功奪下英國皇家戲劇學院的最佳男配角時,依舊不忘幽默本色,致詞大開英國政治及王室的玩笑。

Hey Britain, just heard you became single.* Welcome to the club and wishing you the best with the divorce settlement. Thank you to the Academy for this extreme honor. I’ve always been intimidated over here given the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts and the titans that have come before,  so this is especially meaningful. I am going to thank the one and only Quentin Tarantino again. I am gonna name this prize to Harry, because I am really excited about bringing him back to the states with me.

嘿,英國,剛剛聽說您恢復單身,歡迎加入單身俱樂部,並祝您的離婚協議順利。感謝學院給予給我這崇高的榮譽。我每次來這都有點緊張,畢竟英國皇家戲劇學院非常有名,而過去得獎者也都是偉大的演員,今天獲獎對我來說意義非凡。我要再次感謝獨一無二的Quentin Tarantino。我也要把這個獎座命名為Harry*,因為我很高興也很期待能將Harry們帶回美國。



訪談節錄:Rolling Stone專訪

Brad Pitt拍過將近80部電影,其中《鬥陣俱樂部》以及《班傑明的奇幻旅程》代表Brad從衝動的青年,一路來到成熟的大叔,而這兩部電影也影響他對於生命的看法。


Q: 《班傑明的奇幻旅程》跟《鬥陣俱樂部》其實有同一個主題:「我們該如何運用人生有限的時間?」,但結論卻大不相同。在《鬥陣俱樂部》中,對有限生命的回應是虛無而且混亂的,對嗎?

A:That was a ’90’s conclusion. I actually never thought of what you just said, but it’s probably true. 



A:Yeah, I think it’s open to…it’s your choice. I find “Benjamin” is about those universal things we all share – that 95 percent that makes us all the same, wherever we are in the world. Our loves, our hopes, but also the loss that we all walk around with and hide very well, and the ultimate notion that we’re all expendable. To me, it’s a counter-statement to this divisive period we’ve been in, where we focused on the two, three, four, five percent of ways in which we’re different.



A:Man, I swore I would never do prosthetics. I’ve done some glue-on beards, and they’re not fun. Then Fincher came with this one and I said, “I’m in.” One of his other great talents is subverting and perverting whatever existing technology there is to his own evil devices, so there was never a question for me about wheth­er it would work. He did something very smart. He said, “We’re not going to devel­op new technology. We’re going to take the technology that’s there for gaming and for special-effects, blow-up-the-world movies, and use that technology for small details – pupils dilating, aging.” And the makeup guys were so good; wearing this stuff all day was surprisingly comfortable. But, no, I won’t do it again.




A:Well, yeah. And I’m scared to death of it. But, you know, it made me think of things like… Angie and I do not fight anymore. What occurred to me on this film, and also with the passing of her mother, is that there’s going to come a time when I’m not going to get to be with this person anymore. I’m not going to get to be with my children anymore or friends;people I love and respect. And so, if we have a flare-up, it evaporates now.

是的,當然。我怕死了。但是,你知道,這讓我想到了… Angie(Brad Pitt前妻)和我不再爭吵了。透過這部電影再加上Angie母親去世,我深刻感受到我有天也會死亡,死亡意味著我不能再跟這個人一起了、不能再跟小孩一起了,或是朋友、其他我所愛及尊重的人等。所以,如果我跟他們有什麼不愉快,現在也都沒關係了。


A:Well, I think it must have been head­ing this way, but something crystallized for me. I don’t want to waste time being angry at someone I love. Much more, this thing is fragile, and there’s a ticking clock on it. And whether it be death or what, there’s just going to come that time so this movie changed that for me.


Q: 你曾經有放棄當演員的念頭嗎?

A:I’m sure I did. I got this agent where they agreed to try me out in this thing called a side pocket. That means they’re not signing you to anything;they’re going to try it out for a month or two and see if it pays off. It was a fairly reputable agency, but they wanted me to do sitcoms. But I kept pushing: “Please send me out on some movies.” They sent me out for two;One was The Accused. Then I called up. The agent wouldn’t get on the phone with me, but the assistant did. I said, “How did it go?” She said, “Have you ever thought about act­ing classes?” It was the best thing I heard though, because it put me in a tailspin for about a half hour. Then it made me more deter­mined to figure out what I had to learn.



 本文收錄於英語島English Island 2020年03月號

