「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠


Reviewed by Max Power 

Breaking Bad is a series focused on the transition of a man, Walter White, from the slow gain of power into total moral downfall. Our story begins as a high school chemistry teacher learns of his fast-approaching death from lung cancer. He turns to using his chemistry genius to manufacture hard drugs, hoping to secure his family's financial future. This show illustrates a well-acted, charac- ter-dense moral fable that is neatly tucked into a 5-season arc. 
《絕命毒師》在說主角Walter White一點一滴享受到權力的滋味到最後完全地 道德淪喪。故事始於高中化學老師得知自己得到肺癌,就像被叛死刑。因緣際 會地將化學知識運用在製毒,以此保障家裡的經濟未來。本劇演員演技精湛、 角色刻畫細膩,完美地將故事在五季內詮釋。 

Breaking Bad究竟是什麼意思 
Intense and deliciously edgy for all of its five seasons, Breaking Bad brings us deeply in touch with the things that bring a person from weakness to power and from good to evil. The show takes its name from an expression of the southern U.S., to break bad, meaning "to give up on social norms or turn to a life of crime." It shows us this not from an unclear, stuttering, or general perspective but from a confidently told gradual downfall into deceit, willingness to do harm, and selfishness. 
五季的劇情精彩又緊張,《絕命毒師》讓觀眾一賭是什麼讓一個人從軟弱變強 大、善良變邪惡。劇名取自美國南方慣用語“to break bad”,意思是「背棄社 會規範,走向犯罪人生」,劇中體現“to break bad”不用冠冕堂皇的角度呈 現,而是看著男主角逐漸崩壞,變得自私並欺騙、傷害他人。 

Much of the story is dominated by power games and observations about human goodness. The story's tension comes almost exclusively from people or situations affected by Walt's decisions, directly or indirectly. The terrifying gangster antagonist of season 1, for example, is at his scariest and most powerful when he abuses the pure and powerful drugs that Walt creates. Each season of the show is defined by a different arc of Walt's changing nature, and every antagonist is as memorable as they are frightening. 

Teaming up with an ex-student to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine (aka crystal meth) is just the beginning of Walt's betrayal of his place in society. Early on, the show is constantly marked by his failure to recognize that there are people in the world much meaner than him, until he himself becomes such a monster. Much tension comes from Walt's broth- er-in-law, Hank Schrader, who is an agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Breaking Bad holds the Guinness World Records spot for the most critically acclaimed show of all time. After blazing through five seasons of Breaking Bad, fear not, because the series Better Call Saul is there to answer your need for more of the series' excellent writing. 
搭檔前學生製作、買賣甲基苯丙胺(又稱冰毒)是男主角Walt背棄自己社會地位的開端。前段故事舉出Walt曾錯認世上一些險惡之人,但最終他也成了一頭怪物。劇中最緊張的橋段莫 過Walt和妹夫的戲,妹夫Hank是緝毒組的警員。《絕命毒師》為有史以來最多好評的節目,也因而列入金氏世界紀錄。如果五季都追完了,不妨去看相關前傳《絕命律師》,繼續欣賞精彩絕倫的劇本。 

While family is an overwhelmingly common topic for television shows, the treatment here is totally unique. As you witness Walt's downfall, you will still frequently see his side of things and his reasoning, as well as feel deep empathy for his wife and children. Walt's failure to communi- cate with his wife and son, and this failure to communicate gradually transforming into decep- tion, becomes a centerpiece of the story. Like any good fable, the characters' values and motiva- tions set them beyond help on the path to their individual destinies. 
大部分電視劇以家庭為主軸,在這個故事裡的操作方式卻截然不同。即便看著Walt崩壞,你還是會站他的角度想、並理解他這麼做的原因,同時同情他的妻子小孩。Walt沒辦法好好地和妻小溝通,溝通問題演變成欺騙,也是故事重心之一。每個好看的故事都是如此,角色價 值觀、行為動機驅使自己的命運。 


本文摘錄自一張圖搞懂 美劇無字幕料理 2019年02月號


