「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠


Reviewed by Nick Edwards 

This is a show that is a leader in a new category of entertainment. Stranger Things is a Netflix original series, meaning that it was produced and released by Netflix and isn’t available on standard cable. Other than getting new and fresh concepts, Netflix original series are usually released one season at a time, so you will be more likely to watch every available episode in a short amount of time instead of waiting week to week, or “binge-watching. I will warn you: THIS SHOW IS ADDICTING! 
《怪奇物語》為影視娛樂下了新的定義,它是Netflix的原創影集,包辦了製作及發行,有線電視上無法收看。Netflix出品的原創影集大多一次就釋出一整季,所以你可以在短時間把整季追完,不需要每週苦苦等待。我得先告訴你, 這部劇絕對會讓你上癮! 

There are a ton of themes contributing to this show’s global popularity, but a major one is the 1980s period it is set in. This 80s style comes through in the music, fashion, technology, and pop-culture, reflecting a sort of 80s revival that has been happening in the past few years. Every episode features some 80s top 20 hits, like “Every Breath You Take” by The Police and “Should I Stay or Should I Go” by The Clash for example, which adds to the nostalgia. Additionally, the original soundtrack has gotten a lot of attention for its synthesizer-based 80s feel that really sets the tone for the show. The opening credits are a great example of this. The writers, directing team, and cinematographers of this show have been quoted saying that they found inspiration in classic 80s films like The Goonies, Stand by Me, E.T., and others from directors like George Lucas, John Hughes, Steven King, and Stephen Spielberg. This was a golden era in American culture and these movies are deeply engrained in the modern American landscape which is one of the reasons why this show is such a hit. If you like this series, go watch these movies that inspired the series, and if you have seen them already, you’ll see the parallels sometimes literally shot-for-shot. 
許多元素成就這部影集在全球造成的狂熱,但不得不提的是80年代的場景設定。在劇中許多屬於80年代的音樂、時尚、科技、流行文化,也反映了過去幾年重振的復古時尚。每集都能 聽見當時的暢銷歌曲,像是警察合唱團的"Every Breath You Take"、衝擊合唱團的" Should I Stay or Should I Go"等。影集原創配樂也因融入80年代音樂元素而受到極大矚目,特別是開場的配樂。編劇、執導團隊、攝影師曾提及影集靈感來源來自80年代經典電影,像是《七寶奇謀》、《站在我這邊》、《ET》,也參考了一些名導演如George Lucas、John Hughes、 Steven King和Steven Spielberg。80年代是美國文化的黃金年代,這些電影為美國現代光景的根基,也是讓《怪奇物語》會造成轟動的原因之一。如果你喜歡這部影集,絕對不要錯過前述的經典電影;如果你已經看過這些電影了,更要去對照影集中的重現鏡頭。 

Other than the time era it is set in, many of these common themes are present: family dynam- ics, young love, and managing teenage years. There are some underlying cultural examples of the family unit as experienced in America with main characters living in traditional “nuclear” families with brothers and sisters contrasting with some single-parent families. This comparison highlights the difficulties and differences that “broken homes” might experience, a common situation in America where more than half of all children live in a non-traditional family (with either one or no biological parents). You can see this play out with one main character Will and his family who go through some emotional traumas together and work through difficult situa- tions unique to a broken family. 
除了年代設定在過去,其他背景主題都與現代差不多:家人之間的互動、年輕人的愛情、經歷青少年時期。劇中的家庭設定如同大多美國家庭的組成,幾個主角在傳統的核心家庭長大,對比單親家庭,從中比較兩種家庭的異同、單親家庭面臨的難處。現今一半以上的美國 小孩都是來自「非典型」家庭(小孩跟一個親生家長或者沒有跟親生家長同住)。故事特別著墨在角色之一Will,他和家人們共同度過的情緒創傷,也和其他單親家庭截然不同。 

Another common theme in sitcoms, shows made to appeal to every age group in the family, is the junior/high school era of childhood development. This is a time when kids learn how to manage bullies, how to fit in, what kind of person they are, as well as hormones and what comes along with them like starting to experience love for the first time. Stranger Things takes on this theme as a fundamental part of the storyline with the main group of kids around middle-school age (12 years old) experiencing all the tropes of this phase. Additionally, there’s a group of older siblings representing another stage of childhood in high school (16-18 years old) and dealing with the same transitions we all did at that age. 
另一個吸引全家大小收看節目的元素莫過於小孩的求學成長階段,看著他們處理校園霸凌、 融入同儕、了解自己,體驗初戀。《怪奇物語》主要圍繞在這群約12歲中學生的成長經歷。 此外,本劇另一條支線是主角的手足們,年齡層落在16-18歲的青少年,經歷那些你我都曾經歷過的人生轉變。 

1. Friends don’t lie. 朋友不說謊 
2. waffle 格子鬆餅 
3. bitchin 看起來像狠角色 
4. babysitter 保姆 
5. The Upside Down 顛倒世界 
6. Mad Max 第二季第一集標題Mad Max,除了介紹新角色 Max登場,也是1979年同名科幻片的雙關
7. Demogorgon 大魔王  桌遊「龍與地下城」是劇中主角最愛聚在一起玩的桌遊,Demogorgon是遊戲中最終魔王,主角們便沿用這個字稱呼顛倒世界的可怕生物。 
8. brat 頑童、乳臭未乾的小孩 
9. language 罵人字眼 當對方說了些冒犯的話可以說“language”、“watch your language”以示提醒 
10. nostalgic 懷舊的 

本文摘錄自一張圖搞懂 美劇無字幕料理 2019年02月號




