英語長文章:The Chronicles of Narnia
作者:C. S. Lewis
出版社:Geoffrey Bles
- 你看過《納尼亞傳奇:獅子・女巫・魔衣櫥》這部電影嗎?如同其他改編電影一樣,這部原著的精彩程度超乎電影,能讓大人小孩都樂在其中。
- 《納尼亞傳奇》全系列作品皆以淺顯易懂的英文寫作,除了精彩動人的故事情節外,內容也非常適合作為英語學習者的寫作參考。
文章難度: ★★★☆☆
There is a set of books that virtually every child in the west has heard of, and furthermore, possibly even read at least one of. It is a classic work of literature for children, set in the fantasy realm of Narnia. Narnia is influenced by Greek and Roman mythology, as well as fairy tales traditional to the United Kingdom. The book's actual story, ideas, and virtues, however, are founded in traditional Christianity. The books are something more than allegory, though, and have their own unique richness and flavor that has been tremendously influential on modern fantasy and science fiction, even rivaling The Lord of the Rings.
The books are not officially numbered and can be read in any particular order, however the most well-known of the series is The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It's chiefly about when the White Witch has Narnia under her spell so that it's always winter and never Christmas. Betrayal, repentance, and redemption are some core themes within the story. One of the series' central tenets is that nobody is beyond being redeemed, though as in any thrilling fantasy epic many of its villains fall to the sword.
Four children, evacuated to the British countryside during World War II (which is when the book was written), accidentally find their way into another world when they enter a wardrobe. When one of their number is tempted to the dark side by the White Witch with a tray of sweets, he helps the White Witch to rob himself and the other children of their destinies as kings and queens, and great lengths must be taken to redeem him. The mythical lion Aslan, a household name in America, is introduced herein.
Some books in the series have been adapted to film here and there, sometimes to some acclaim. In this writer's opinion the books themselves, like all true classics of literature, could never truly be captured by any other medium. These stories are written expressively in clear, accessible English, and so make an excellent study for English learners that can teach most of us something about writing. C. S. Lewis' prose is incredibly pleasing and filled with its own natural charm, making the books a delight for all ages.
《納尼亞傳奇》系列中的幾部作品曾被翻拍成電影,有幾部也獲得了好評,然而以作者的角度來看,就像其他真正的文學經典,原著是無法被其他媒介完整傳達的。《納尼亞傳奇》中的故事全以淺顯易懂的英文寫作,是英語學習者極為優良的讀物,能讓我們藉其學到寫作的技巧。作者C.S.路易斯的文字自然散發著一種不可思議的吸引力, 所有年齡的讀者都能在他的作品中享受樂趣。
文/ Max Power
本文收錄於英語島English Island 2018年7月號
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