「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠



50年前的7月,美國前總統甘迺迪宣布阿波羅11號(Apollo 11)載著人類第一次到達月球。50年後,科學家要求美國總統川普進行下一個計畫--重返月球。


On the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11’s moon landing, the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) is setting its sights on returning to the moon, and going far beyond. The Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway, a crucial outpost for the U.S. mission to relay astronauts to the moon in 2024, has had a slow start, but the initial module is now under contract.

NASA is also working to send astronauts to the moon’s south pole region by 2024, an area thought to have potential for resources beneficial to deep-space exploration. When Kennedy said “We choose to go to the moon,” in 1962, he wanted it done by the end of the decade. At the time, Project Mercury, NASA’s effort to get an astronaut into orbit, was already under way. But much of the expertise and machinery that would allow humans to walk on the moon did not yet exist.

原文出自Reuters, MAN ON THE MOON


1. Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway:「深空門戶」,又稱Deep Space Gateway (DSG),是原先預計要在2020(後延至2024)完成、由美國跟俄羅斯航天局共同主導的「重返月球」迷你太空站。50年前,阿波羅11號只有在月球上進行簡單的探測任務,這一次登陸月球,則是要在月球軌道上建立「居住艙」,提供未來太空人往返宇宙停留的中介點。

2. Under contract:「根據合約」。這句話表示,雖然計畫進行緩慢,但太空站的基礎模型已經寫進合約、且正在進行建造了。

3. South pole region:月球南極,月球最大隕石坑所在地。6月時美國貝勒大學Baylor University)發表研究,發現月球的南極艾特肯盆地發現神秘金屬物質。

4. deep-space exploration:「宇宙探索」,或深空探測,是探索外太空區域(太陽系之外)的研究分支之一。在國際電信聯盟的定義中,deep-space為距離地球表面的200萬公里之遠。

5. Project Mercury:水星計畫,人類第一次的載人太空計畫,進入地球軌道繞行一圈。在NASA留下的紀錄中,太空人清楚描述了從宇宙觀看地球的細節。電影《關鍵少數》便是改編自此段歷史。


- 繼俄羅斯、美國、中國,下一個是印度,預計9月登月

India is looking to take a giant leap in its space program and solidify its place among the world's spacefaring nations with its second unmanned mission to the moon, this one aimed at landing a rover near the unexplored south pole.


- 歷史學家認為,應該開始「保存」人類在「月球的遺產」了

With renewed interest in the moon, some say it’s time to consider whether, and how, to preserve humanity’s lunar heritage.

連結:The New York Times


