An interesting legal battle has begun between Deckers Outdoor Corporation, the US company behind the renowned Australian UGG boots, and Australian manufacturers.
While “ugg” refers to traditional Australian sheepskin boots, the first of which was made in the Blue Mountains in the 1930s, Deckers nonetheless trademarked the name.
The latter is now prohibiting the selling of ugg boots by Australian manufacturers worldwide and demanding punitive damages totaling millions of dollars.
On top of that, Deckers is also requesting for a transfer of all sums in Australian Leather’s bank accounts to that of Deckers’. This is based on Deckers’ claim that Australian Leather violated its registered trademark in the US.
Eddie Oygur, the founder of Australian Leather, flew to the US to defend not just his company, but also “the Australian boot industry”.
Likening the tie of ugg boots to Australians to that of feta and the Greeks, Australian independent Senator Nick Xenophon has also pointed out the issue in the Australian parliament.
Renowned (adj.)– widespread and high repute; fame.
Punitive (adj.)– serving for, concerned with, or inflicting punishment.
Violate (v.)– to break, infringe, or transgress (a law, rule, agreement, promise, instructions, etc.)
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