「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠


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Toyota to Build Prototype City of the Future in Japan

REUTERS #cityofthefuture #Toyota # artificialintelligence #AI #智慧城市

Toyota Motor Corp said on Jan. 6th it plans to build a prototype "city of the future" at the base of Japan's Mt Fuji, powered by hydrogen fuel cells and functioning as a laboratory for autonomous cars, "smart homes," artificial intelligence and other technologies.

日本汽車大廠豐田(Toyota)於1月6日表示,將計畫在富士山旁打造未來城市原型,以氫電池來提供能源,並作為自動駕駛車輛實驗室 smart homes,也用於發展人工智慧與其他科技。

The development, to be built at the site of a closed factory, will be called "Woven City" - a reference to Toyota's start as a loom manufacturing company - and will serve as a home to full-time residents and researchers.

這座未來城市位置將在一封閉廠區,名稱為Woven City,靈感來自豐田以織造廠起家,Woven City未來也將成為全職常駐專家及研究者的家。

Toyota did not disclose costs for the project.


Executives at many major automakers have talked about how cities of the future could be designed to cut climate-changing emissions from vehicles and buildings, reduce congestion and apply internet technology to everyday life. But Toyota's plan to build a futuristic community on 175 acres (71 hectares) near Mt Fuji is a big step beyond what rivals have proposed.


The proposal highlights not only Toyota Chief Executive Akio Toyoda's ambition, but also the financial and political resources Toyota can bring to bear, especially in its home country.

這個未來城市計畫不僅凸顯豐田執行長豐田章男(Akio Toyoda)的野心,也讓外界看見豐田在日本掌握的經濟、政治資源。

Toyota expects 2,000 people will live at the city initially, with construction slated to start next year. Toyoda called the project "my personal 'field of dreams.' "You know if you build it, they will come."

豐田預計最初將有兩千人入住Woven City,2021年開始動工,豐田章男稱這個專案為「個人的夢田」並說「只要打造出來了,夢想都會到來。」

Toyota said it has commissioned Danish architect Bjarke Ingels to design the community. Ingels' firm designed the 2 World Trade Center building in New York and Google's offices in Silicon Valley and London.

豐田方面表示已經委託丹麥建築師Bjarke Ingels設計,該建築師團隊曾操刀紐約世貿中心二期與Google的矽谷、倫敦辦公室。

Toyota said it is open to partnerships with other companies that want to use the project as a testing ground for technology.



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本文收錄於英語島English Island 2020年02月號
