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「當我有空」說When I am free,為何容易被老外誤會?
Amy的外國同事請她幫忙聯絡一些廠商,她太忙了於是回應:“I'll take care of it when I am free this afternoon.”,結果到了傍晚,同事就抱怨,不是說要處理,怎麼又沒有處理?

中文處理「如果」和「當」比較寬鬆,但英文卻很嚴謹。“When I am free”,老外和老中有不同的解讀。Amy的意思是
「你會有空,所以一定會處理。」( ... more


Indians Advised to Eat More Sugar

It’s not a piece of advice you hear often these days: Eat more sugar. However, it's what India's mills are now telling the country's people. 

The country's production should jump 13% to about 34 million tons in the 2020 to 2021 season due to favor ... more

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