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「40歲的『年輕人』給我振作起來」--行銷大師Gary Vee

45歲的社群行銷大師Gary Vee締造了許多創業奇蹟,他認為正是因為自己經歷了網路從無到有的年代,反而更有抓準網路行銷成本的優勢。他以一慣的髒話搭配激勵人心的言詞,堆疊出精彩的演說,讓更多中年人相信自身的優勢,投身社群行銷與品牌經營的趨勢當中。
Before you read
Gary Vaynerchuck
1975年11月14日 - present
Gary Vaynerchuck又名Gary Vee,是Facebook獨立董事,VaynerMedia的創辦人及CEO,身兼多角化的天使投資人與創投者,投資公司包括Facebook、Twitter、Snapchat、Uber、Tumblr、Venmo。被《富比士》評選為排名第一的社群媒體大師,世界500強CMO意見領袖排名第二。
Gary Vaynerchuck用11個網路平台經營了自己的品牌,並善用這些平台讓家族事業成長超過10倍。他的暢銷書《我是Gary Vee》受到各界名人推薦,獲得美國Amazon網路書店4.7顆星,社群經營類排名第二名。
「FUCK」就是Gary Vee的說話風格,身為YouTube知名網紅的他,總是在影片中以快速果決的話語為觀眾解惑。用字遣辭也常豪邁使用大量情緒性髒話,有時甚至會直接批評觀眾無知或自我感覺良好的言論。
演講節錄 – 摘自2018年9月26日Gary Vaynerchuck在倫敦的精彩演講。
How many people over 40 in this room, raise hands? Don't be embarrassed! Be louder about it. Over 40? Fucking go, we still have it. One more time, I wanna see how many hands of 40 and older?
So, so for all the youngsters in this room, the hands that just went up. What the advantage they have in today's business world is we have context of what the world looked like pre-internet. We lived a full childhood pre-internet. We lived life without the internet, and what that did was allow me to context what was possible and how much it cost pre-internet versus what was possible and what it cost post internet.
The reason the prices have gone up is because other entrepreneurs and small businesses (mainly Silicon Valley startups) are pouring enough money in to what is a very simple supply and demand platform. They rose the price, because there's only one feed. If I wanna get in front of my homey here before, if 27 other startups didn't wanna get in there, the cost of getting into his screen was less. Now that there's 28 of us, it's more. That's how Facebook makes money, that's how Google makes money. Supply and demand platforms, basic as fuck.
What is going to happen in the next 10, 12, 24 months is that Evian and Coca-Cola and BMW and Rolex and Puma and Nike and GE and everybody else is gonna wake the fuck up, 'cause they're gonna have no choice, and they're gonna take their 200, 100, 400, 800, and 900 million-dollar budgets and put it into the system. For all of us that it's working for, 'cause it works at $8 a CPM, $8 to get in front of a thousand people, 42 of which act, 17 which convert. That $8 is gonna become $28, where our models break. Attention is like real estate. When Malibu beachfront property or property and buildings in shortage 20 years ago go up for the market, and you buy it at the right price, and then the market changes, you win. The attention on this device and the platforms is gonna change very soon.
Convert 這邊指的是Conversion,是用來反映網路廣告對產品銷售情況的實際影響程度。
建議1. 閉嘴快做!動手學行銷不是年輕人的事
My friends, you should leave this keynote right now. Get in the fucking tube; go home; and fucking figure out how to start running ads. I don't mean go home and hire some 26 year-old to run ads for you. I mean YOU! YOU! You have to go home and spend 10 hours reading and watching videos of how to actually run a Facebook ad, how to actually make a picture and video for it, and watch the results, so you taste it. YOU HAVE TO TASTE IT! You have to be a practitioner of it, because it is the lotto ticket of the moment, and everybody is just letting it slide by.
建議2. 說人話!依據平台性質做出大家買單的內容行銷
So, what I'm thinking a lot about is how to put you into a position to succeed in content creation, and then figure out how to be great at distributing it. When you get to the distributing part, my friends, you have to respect the context of the platform. I'm watching so many people that are in B2B tryng to win on Instagram, but they're acting like Instagram is LinkedIn. It doesn't matter if you're a lawyer or a financial advisor or you sell concrete, if you treat Instagram like LinkedIn, even though your business is more LinkedIn, you will lose. If you do not respect the context of the room, you will lose. These platforms are rooms. They are rooms. Fuck.
建議3. 屁話少說!客戶的關注與溝通適用在所有的產業
The people that I am most worried about in this room are the ones that are having a great year, because if they're not doing what I'm talking about and they're having a great year, they can only take it with a grain of salt. That becomes their vulnerability.
There are so many people that make ridiculous statements in their own head like, "Gary's awesome and super motivational, but this shit doesn't work in my industry." You're a fucking idiot. Communication works in every industry. Customers attention works in every industry! And the reason humongous companies go out of business all the time in the world is they become audacious that the new technologies don't effect their business. There's nobody in here that is big as the billion dollar companies that are going out of business every fucking year because of the technology shift. So please, on your 20% growth this year or on your cute double-digit massive explosion, please do not become audacious.
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